Kimberly Sayer’s Homemade Recipes

All of the ingredients I used were purchased from Wholefoods and they are all organically grown or extracted.


Facial Mask

This at home mask can be simply made in under a minute and can be varied according to skin type Mix 1-2 Tbsp. of Clay Powder (available at Health Food stores) with Spring Water until paste is smooth. Apply with fingertips or spatula all over the face except the eye areas. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

For dry skin: Add 1 Tbsp. of Olive Oil to the above mixture and apply with same directions. For normal skin: Add 1 Tbsp. of Plain Yogurt to the above mixture and apply with same directions. For oily skin: Add 2 Tbsp. of Lemon Juice to the above mixture and apply with same direction.

For a wonderful at home deep cleansing clay mask that contains similar ingredients.


Sea Salt Foot Bath

This wonderful bath can be used for just the feet to soak in and an all around bath for the body.

Takes under a minute to make.

For all types of skin this soothing bath relaxes, and restores the feet and body, to a calm and balanced state.

For the feet: mix 1/4 cup of sea salt to a bowl or pedicure style basin filled with hot water. A choice of essential oils can be added, here are a few suggestions. Lavender is my first choice for the feet, especially if you are suffering from athlete’s foot or any other foot condition. Lavender is a great antiseptic and purifier along with relaxing and not to mention wonderful aromatic oil.

Add-15 drops of oil. For the body: This same salt bath can be created at home in your tub and just triple the ingredients. For an additional body scrub, take a handful of sea salt and rub over the body avoiding eyes and face. Rinse off in bath or shower then soak in this lovely bath.

An additional choice of essential oils to used for both the foot bath and bath mixtures really is a matter of preference for each person’s individual taste. Add the same amount of these oils as you would the Lavender oil, as above. Some of my favorites listed include:

Lemon is a wonderful cleansing and refreshing aroma and allows the feet and body to deep cleanse and renew.

Neroli, wonderful for dry cracked skin very restorative and calming.

Tangerine is a fantastic aromatic oil that calms, and soothes the nervous system. Aids in depression.

For a nonabrasive scrub made with Shea Butter, Essential Oils and Organic Grains.


Puffy Eye Treatment

This is so simple to make and can be done so in about 1-2 minutes. Very simply grate a potato and collect the juice from the grated potato. Apply the potato juice to damp cotton pads and leave on the eye area for 15 minutes. Very restorative and takes away puffiness. For extreme problems leave on for 30 minutes. Alternative is using chamomile tea bags.

For a wonderful eye gel that removes puffiness in 5-7 minutes.